One exceptional evening at the Aperi Restaurant’s Chefs Table in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, while Chef Matteo Salas blew all of our minds with course after incredible course, I met this beautiful couple. The story of their wedding was interesting, and I wanted to share it with you.
Both busy professionals, German, the future groom, offered to be in charge of the ceremony plans while Lizet planned the wedding reception. He asked that it be a surprise for her, and she agreed. They had me right there, after thousands of Pure Joy weddings I don’t often hear of Grooms planning the wedding ceremony & I was intrigued.
They both deeply value their families and their parents and sibling’s marriages and German chose that as his theme for the ceremony; entering into this league of happily, long-married couples. Admiring what they had and seeking their knowledge, he asked that they share that wisdom as a wedding gift and part of the ceremony.
The wedding was in Mexico City near the woods in a garden. He had his childhood friend officiate the ceremony with a fabulous, Academy Award nominee acoustic guitarist serenading the festivities. German asked each couple of the family to think of the most important piece of knowledge they have learned in their marriage, to share with the newlyweds through a speech and an object that could better represent their advice.
The first to speak was Lizet’s brother, father of two and children’s song writer, who spoke of creativity and encouraged them to do it their own way. He gave all the guests crayons & paper to create something for the couple during the reception. The second speaker was German’s brother and confidant, married 17 years, who spoke of empathy, “put yourself in the other one’s shoes” while giving them each slippers in the shape of the other’s shoes. The third was Lizet's twin sister who spoke of acceptance, acceptance of who each is and what they bring, as well as who you are and what you bring to the marriage, bringing the best of you, represented with the gift of a mirror. The fourth speaker, German’s sister, handed them a ball of rubber bands and spoke of resilience, without stress a rubber band has no use, encouraging them to always return to the love they have for each other.
German read his carefully penned vows to his new bride, while Lizet spoke them from her heart. Then Lizet’s parents stepped forward to read a letter to their new son in law and gave him his wedding band. German’s parents read Lizet a letter of their advice and gave her her ring as a symbol of being married with the whole family, encouraging them to always fight together and not against each other.
Whenever I meet a long married couple I ask “whats your secret?” I have loved gathering these little treasured bits of advice and I adored that a Groom planned such a unique wedding ceremony honoring the wisdom and advice of their families and brought that all together to start their new life together in such a memorable way.
I wish you a happily ever after German & Lizet, thank you for sharing your story.
Lynette La Mere, Pure Joy Catering, Executive Chef