Makes 2.5 quarts jam
½ flat local organic strawberries, washed hulled and halved
6 cups sugar (trust me)
1/3 cup lemon juice
Candy thermometer & jars totally 2.5 qt. capacity (ten 1/2 pints)
Mash the berries in a heavy bottom pot with a potato masher. Add the sugar & lemon juice, bring to a boil stirring well as you go. After you’ve got a good rolling boil going begin checking the temperature, once you hit 220 degrees turn off the heat. (You can’t cheat & use a meat thermometer because they don’t go to 220 and that’s essential to get the jam to set.)
Boil a pot of water and sterilize the jars and lids. I like to reuse jars & this works fine. Use tongs to take them out & invert them on a clean dishtowel. Boil a pot of water and sterilize the jars and lids. Use tongs to take them out & invert them on a clean dishtowel. Fill to ½ inch from the top, screw on the lid tight. Put back into the boiling water for 10 minutes.
Happy creating,
Lynette La Mere, Pure Joy Catering, Executive Chef