Going to the market is always the best part of my week. I love all the people, just the quick game changing conversations alone could keep me coming back, but then there’s the smells, the sense of community, the colors… Just witnessing food come and go with the seasons; those first fava beans, the pea tendrils all the way to the persimmons, it’s the rhythm of our lives here. My Grandfather used to say that what grows around you is what you need to eat and when; eating’s not that complicated; the veggies and fruit just taste better when you're supposed to eat them. I know it’s all on trend now but honestly it’s the oldest most simple concept on earth.
After all these years I still find new inspirations and I’m never bored with even the most basic produce - when it’s right from the farmer it’s always fantastic. As a catering company executive chef I get to go early; an hour before it opens tot he public. I have the place to myself and it’s so peaceful. I can get my giant cart around with no crowds, buy the most wonderful items, talk to the farmers, ask a few questions and they’re some of my most favorite people.
I keep track of what we have here each month - when things come and go, I have for years. As I plan menus for my clients up to a year in advance it really helps to know what I can look forward to finding at the market the week of their wedding.
I’m Lynette La Mere, the Executive Chef here at Pure Joy Catering, and I love to help make exceptional celebrations delicious
Photos by Lucas Oliver Oswald Photography