If Y’all haven’t been to Charleston I can whole-heartedly recommend it. The south is rich with American history and low-country cuisine. From the eyes of a California girl it’s like going back in time, with bow ties, southern charm and and an otter like obsession with shellfish. I would get on a plane just for the biscuits alone! Then there’s the sweet and exceptional seafood, fried green tomatoes, pimento cheese, soul food; grits and fried chicken…This is what I adore about exploratory culinary focused travel, really experiencing a place through the food, the people who craft the food, and the very roads that lead to it. I love gaining a better understanding of a place that way; I’m no club sandwich girl.
See you out there~
Lynette La Mere, Pure Joy Catering, Executive Chef

Callie's Hot Little Biscuit

gloriously meaty lance mussels

classic charleston

Magnolia's fried green tomatoes, white cheddar & caramelized onion grits, country ham, tomato chutney

oysters abound

nothin ordinary about The Ordinary's lobster roll

great charleston stroll with porpoises jumping in the bay
Lynette La Mere, Pure Joy Catering, Executive Chef